Introduction & a Halloween DIY
Hi, Hello, I'm new here!
Hi Friends, I'm Megan and gahhhh, I'm just so excited to be here! Let me quickly introduce myself before we jump into this blogging thing. I'm a pretty basic New England Mom that loves a heavily themed party, soft pretzels, weekly trips to Target and probably too many visits to Starbucks. Like I said; pretty basic.
Some fun (?) facts about little old me: I love over using exclamation points, creating flat lays, meticulously planning my sons wardrobe while ignoring my own, snacks, blogging over on my Badger Style Co. blog and shopping small. I love powerful woman, graphic design, therapy and ice cold coffee with extra ice and extra cold foam.
I live in Vermont with my Husband, Jack and our 3 year old son, Owen. We are big huge lovers of all things TWE here in the Badger household. You may have even seen my little Owen floating around the TWE insta feed from time to time. We have been buying from Carolyn for a few years and I have not stopped being amazed by her.
Anyway, enough about me for now, I have so many fun ideas for this space! TWE Style corners, party ideas, crafts, cute snacks, and lots of DIY's. In fact, let's kick this first post off right with a fun and easy little Holiday DIY for your kiddos.
Best Boos Bracelet Kit
I don't know about your kiddos school, but ours always has the most amazing Trunk-or-Treat as well as a killer Halloween Party. The only slight headache of it all is the no candy/no food rule. It's hard to come up with an easy and cute treat that all kids will enjoy and that isn't another temporary tattoo or Holiday eraser that will surely get lost before we even make it out of the parking lot.
This year I vowed to find something different, affordable but also something quick. As a mom, we all know that our dreams of being the most epic DIY mom flew out the window the second our little's learned to walk. Owens deep love for stringing beads brought me here. Our very own Best Boos Bracelet kit. An affordable and easily assembled friendship bracelet craft for your whole ghoul gang!
Any beads your heart desires-I let Owen choose. He chose these. // Test Tubes // Bead Cord // Cardstock // Scissors & a hole punch // Bakers Twine // TWE Best Boos Bracelet Kit Tags: Black or White
Owen was able to help me do this with no trouble. First we printed the tags onto cardstock for durability and cut them out. We filled each test tube with an assortment of our bead choices. We found mixing them all together in a bowl and just scooping them into the tubes was the easiest method. We added some black bead cord on the top of the beads before we put the top on, enough for a couple bracelets! We then punched a hole in the tag, tied it on and boom, Done! All that's left is dropping them into his school friends Trick-or-Treat bags on party day!
Now excuse me while I go tie on these 16 bracelets Owen made for me while I typed this all up. Thank you for stopping by. Let me know in the comments some things you would love to see in the future. I can't wait to chat again.
Megan E. Badger